Good interviews are the result of meeting with good candidates, but our job recruiters in Atlanta believe that having a good interviewer is also a crucial element. It is not solely the candidate's responsibility to impress; you also
want to be able to impress them so that the right candidate will want the job you offer.
Interviews can take many twists that can make a candidate feel thrown off or uncomfortable, and none is worse than not being given the information they need to start on the right foot for the interview. The candidate will need to know details about your office which you may take for granted, like where to park, how to get to your floor, and whether they will need to be buzzed in. In addition to this, our Atlanta job recruiters remind you to offer a bit about the structure of the interview, who will be in the room, and what is the expected dress code.
Even the most talented, skilled workers you will ever meet will often feel nervous when they first arrive at an interview. Our Atlanta recruiters encourage you to do your best to help the candidates to feel comfortable from the moment when they enter the room. Be friendly from the start, offer them something to drink, and tell them a little about yourself before you start asking about them. If you want to really improve their comfort level, arrange things so they are not sitting directly across the table from all of their interviewers.
Do your best to be open and honest during the interview. This will help both you and the candidate to feel more at ease, and it will also help to ensure that you do not accidentally misrepresent yourself or the company. This is especially important when you are discussing the needs of the position, the company's culture, and your perspective of being an employee (if asked).
While you may have a checklist of questions you need to ask the candidates, it's important to avoid making the interview into an interrogation. Place your focus on interacting with the candidate instead. It's likely that your natural flow of conversation will cover many of the questions on your checklist, and it may uncover information that would otherwise be left unsaid, good or bad.