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Basics of Job Interviewing in Atlanta

Preparing for the Interview

Once the interview has been arranged, begin your in-depth research. You should arrive at an interview knowing about the company. Internet or web location research is a great place to start.

Interview Attire

Have one good interview suit. It should be clean and conservative. Top personal grooming is as important as finding appropriate clothes for a job interview. This is not the time to make a statement ... take out the extra earrings and avoid any garish hair colors. Women should not wear excessive makeup, and both men and women should refrain from wearing any perfume or cologne. Women should wear a businesslike suit. Professionalism still dictates a suit with a skirt, rather than slacks. Remember to wear hose, even in the summertime. Be sure your hair is neat, clean, well cut and out of your eyes. If hair is real long, pull it up for the interview. Have your nails well-groomed. Don't wear gaudy or excessive jewelry. Don't chew gum during your interview. Avoid low-cut necklines or skirts with unusually high cut slits or mini skirts. A good rule of thumb for an interview is to wear a professional, conservative business skirt suit (preferably in a dark color), closed-toe pumps, and small earrings.

What to Bring

A watch, a pen, and a notepad. A leather-bound folder with several copies of your resume is a nice professional touch. Avoid carrying purses and bulky items. Sometimes the interviewer will be running late. Don't be upset; be sympathetic. Keep yourself occupied and relaxed.

The Interview

Most employers make up their minds in the first 30 seconds, so you must make a good first impression to go any further. Smile when you meet. Establish eye contact. Shake hands firmly. Often the interviewer will begin telling you about the company, the division, the department and the position. Remain attentive. As the interview progresses, the interviewer will probably mention some of the most important responsibilities of the position. Draw parallels between your experience; emphasize results and achievements and not merely describing activities. Don't exaggerate. Be on the level about your abilities. Do not ask about salary range or benefits in the first interview. Try not to be negative about anything during the interview (particularly any past employer or any previous job). Be cheerful. Keep your interview questions to the point; don't make overly long statements.

Always send a thank-you note immediately after your interview to each person you interviewed with. Watch your spelling and punctuation. Many offers have been withdrawn because of a poorly written thank-you note.

Dos and Don'ts

Do arrive on time or a few minutes early. Do fill out any application forms neatly and completely. Do greet the interviewer by his/her surname if you are sure of the pronunciation. Give the appearance of energy as you walk. Smile! Do wait until you are offered a chair before sitting. Sit upright in your chair. Look alert and interested at all times. Don't relax and rely on your resume to do your selling for you. Most interviewers will want you to speak for yourself and explain various things in your resume. Answer questions in about a minute or less; if they want more information, they'll ask for it. Don't drink coffee or any other beverage if offered.

Be Prepared. Some common interview questions:

Good luck! Please make sure to call your recruiter immediately after your interview.