When you are embarking on a corporate job search, it can be difficult to know exactly what you want. Most people start their search with the assumption that anything will work, only to realize later that they should have looked for a job with better benefits, a more open work environment, or some other aspect that their new job does not offer.
Where Do You Want Your Career to Go?
No matter what career you have chosen, you will always have several different directions that you can take that career in. When you realize that you are unfulfilled at your current job, take time to determine what you would like the next step in your career to be. This can be hard because most people are afraid of choosing the “wrong” path, but you must face the inevitability that you must progress in your career somehow. Pick what you think will work well for you, and go from there. Remember, even learning that something isn’t the right path for you is another step further towards the right one.
Corporate Culture
In our years as Atlanta recruiters, we have discovered something shocking: people are willing take jobs which pay less but promise a better corporate culture than jobs that pay more but offer a stifling environment. We encourage all of our candidates to think about the office environment where they would be happiest and at their most productive. Write down the kind of interactions you would want to be able to have with your coworkers and boss, the kind of environment that you work best in (An open office? A cubicle? Your own private office?), what kind of vacation time you hope to have, and whether or not you will want to have the option to telecommute.
The benefits the company offers should be an item on your wish list. Health insurance is a given, but you can seek out companies that offer dental, vision, or maternity benefits. Will you want a retirement plan? Are you OK if your sick leave and vacation time are combined, or will you want separate sick leave? Prioritize the benefits you want based on whether they are essential or you are willing to give some leeway on them.